The society is on the front line against the online channel Name 'Pachakku Parayunnu' which has given fake news about the Uralungal Labor Contract Cooperative Society. The ULCCS officials have come out with a response against the fake video related to the bridge in Ernakulam Kundanur.
The news on the online channel that the collapsed bridge was built by the Uralungal Society is contrary to the facts. Even though Roads and Bridges Development Corporation officials clarified that the bridge mentioned in the video was not built by Uralungal Society, ULCCS officials demanded that legal action be taken against them for spreading fake news.
Full form of the statement
A person has posted a fake video on an online channel claiming that a bridge is collapsing in Ernakulam's Kundanur and that it was built by Uralungal Society. The bridge mentioned in that video was not built by the Uralungal Society. It is understood that he is spreading fake news for some other interest, despite the Roads and Bridges Development Corporation officials stating that. We have seen that the Kerala High Court itself had to criticize in separate judgments in the last few days about the false propaganda carried out by some people who are not authentic by creating their own channels.
Everyone is requested not to believe this kind of fake propaganda on a private account that has no authenticity. Legal steps are being taken to get compensation for the losses caused to the society due to such false propaganda affecting the invaluable credibility and social respect of the great institution Uralungal Labor Contract Cooperative Society, which is about to complete a century.