The Central Meteorological Department has said that till April 11, the temperature in Kerala will increase by two degrees Celsius to four degrees above normal. There is a warning that the temperature will rise to 41 degrees in Palakkad and 40 degrees in Kollam. In Thrissur district, the maximum temperature may rise up to 39 degrees Celsius, while in Kannur, Kozhikode, Pathanamthitta and Kottayam districts it may rise up to 38 degrees Celsius.

According to the Central Meteorological Department, the high temperature in Ernakulam and Alappuzha districts is likely to rise up to 37 degrees Celsius, and in Thiruvananthapuram, Malappuram and Kasaragod districts, the high temperature is likely to rise up to 36 degrees Celsius.

Except Thrissur, Palakkad, Malappuram, Kannur and Kasaragod districts, light rain is likely on Monday. Light rain may occur in all districts on Tuesday.