The second Kerala-bound Vandebharat Express has started its trial run from Kasaragod to Thiruvananthapuram. The train left Kasaragod station at 7 o'clock.
The train which left Thiruvananthapuram for the first trial run at 4.05 pm last night reached Kasaragod at 11.35 pm. After the train returns to Thiruvananthapuram today, it will again make a trial run to Kasaragod at 4.05. After halting at Kasaragod station on Saturday, the Prime Minister will flag off the train online on Sunday and start the service.
The services for passengers will start from Tuesday. 2nd Vande Bharat is serviced via Alappuzha. The train departing from Kasaragod at 7 am will reach Thiruvananthapuram at 3:05 pm and will depart from Thiruvananthapuram at 4:05 pm and reach Kasargod at 11:55 pm.