Woman dies due to electric shock in Delhi railway station premises. Sakshi Ahuja, a native of East Delhi's Preet Vihar, died. The witness got electrocuted from the electricity post in the waterlogged part of the station. The incident happened on Sunday morning.
Sakshi reached the railway station with two women and three children around 5:30 in the morning. The witness had come to go to Chandigarh. When the witness got out of the vehicle and tried to move away from the waterlogged water due to the rain, he got caught in the electricity pole. It is reported that he was electrocuted as soon as he grabbed the pole.
The shocked woman was rushed to the hospital but could not be saved. Railways has also issued a statement in this regard. Railway Public Relations Officer Deepak Kumar said that current leakage from the cable is suspected to be due to insulation failure. He said that an investigation is being conducted to prevent such incidents from happening again.
His sister Madhavi Chopra, who was with him, has filed a complaint against the negligence of the authorities. Police informed that the woman's body has been sent to Lady Hardinge Hospital for post-mortem. It is reported that the forensic team is on the spot.