BJP Tamil Nadu State Secretary SG Surya has been remanded in judicial custody for 15 days. After this, a tense situation is prevailing near the judges' house in Madurai. Surya was arrested by the Madurai District Cyber Crime Police for his tweet against Madura MP Venkatesan.
Surya's tweet in which he alleged that left councilor Viswanathan forced a sanitation worker to clean the drain and the worker died due to an allergy caused the controversy. Surya said that false politics of separatism is worse than sewage and find a way to live as a human being. Surya strongly condemned the incident and sent a letter to MP Venkatesan. Surya's followers allege that this is the reason for the arrest.
On June 12, CPIM Urban District Secretary M. Ganesan and party workers had lodged a complaint with Commissioner Narendran Nair. He argued that Madurai Corporation does not have Pennadam Town Panchayat and a councilor named Viswanathan from the Left Party. Ganesan had alleged that Surya was deliberately creating tension between the councilors and the public over an incident that did not take place.