Minister K Radhakrishnan has reacted to Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar's remark that he had performed an anti-Semitism pooja in Kerala against the Karnataka government. The minister clarified that DK Shivakumar made a big allegation and inquired about the animal sacrifice in the Rajarajeshwari temple mentioned by Shivakumar.
Raja Rajeswara Temple spoke in connection with the Devaswom Board. Preliminary investigation has not found anything. It was understood that nothing happened. The minister said that he will investigate whether it happened anywhere else.
Shivakumar alleged that people from Karnataka had performed Panchabali in a temple in Kerala to bring down him and the Karnataka government. Shivakumar has alleged that the Congress government in Karnataka, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and himself had cast spells in Kerala. Shivakumar had also alleged that a temple in Kerala had performed a pooja to kill enemies, including animal sacrifices.
"I have received reliable information that witchcraft rituals were conducted at an isolated place near a temple in Kerala to destabilize our government in Karnataka. They performed the 'Rajakandaka' and 'Marana Mohana Stambhana' sacrifices. DK Shivakumar alleged that people who know about witchcraft ceremonies in Kerala have given us information about the people behind the sacrifices.