Health Minister Veena George said that due to the intermittent rains, there is a possibility of dengue fever spreading. Public and institutions should take note. Hot spots should be identified and preventive measures should be intensified. Destruction of the mosquito source should be emphasized. Do not allow standing water inside and outside the house. Precautions should be taken to avoid mosquito bites. The premises should be kept clean. For rabies prevention, those dealing with soil and sewage must take doxycycline, a rabies prevention pill, as prescribed by health workers. The minister also directed to give importance to pre-monsoon cleaning activities.
Dengue is a disease that affects children and adults alike. The main form of protection against dengue fever is protection from mosquitoes. So the house, institution and surroundings should be kept clean. The windows and doors of the house should be closed in the morning and evening. Fumigation inside the house before closing it will help drive out the mosquitoes inside the house. Windows and doors should be protected with netting in areas where mosquito populations are high.
· Special care should be taken to prevent standing water inside and outside the buildings and on the roof. Do not dispose of containers, straws, husks, tires, eggshells, cans etc.
·Inside the house, mosquitoes are likely to lay their eggs in containers with standing water under flower pots and trays with standing water under the fridge. Clean them at least once a week.
· Keep containers and tanks that collect water closed.
· Wear body covering clothes, use mosquito nets and ointments to avoid mosquito bites.
·People with fever should minimize the risk of mosquito bites.
As it is summer, be careful against water borne diseases, chicken pox, malaria and other contagious diseases. Water borne diseases such as diarrheal diseases, hepatitis-A, hepatitis E, cholera, typhoid and shigella are likely to occur due to lack of clean water during summer. Drink water even if you don't feel thirsty as high heat can cause dehydration. Ensure that drinking water is clean. Boiled water is best. Do not self-medicate. Prolonged fever can be contagious and should be treated as soon as possible.