Soldier's complaint that his wife was brutally beaten up by 120 men by making her half-naked. Havildar Prabhakaran, a native of Tamil Nadu's Padavedu, raised the complaint through a video. In this regard, a video shared by Lt. Col. N. Thiagarajan, a retired army officer, is circulating on social media.
Prabhakaran is currently posted in Kashmir. A video is circulating in which Prabhakaran requests the DGP to help. Saikan says that the incident took place yesterday in Thiruvannamala district of Tamil Nadu. 'The wife runs a shop on rent. Yesterday, more than 120 people came to the shop and brutally beat up the wife and threw away the goods in the shop. His wife has been admitted to the hospital with injuries including ear and nose. Don't know who did it and why. A complaint has been made to the SP in this regard. They threatened my family by burning them. He made his wife half-naked and brutally beat him. DGP sir should help'-says the soldier in the video.
At the same time, Kantavasal police, who are investigating the case, said that preliminary investigation revealed that the soldier's complaint was exaggerated. The police said that the investigation of the case is in progress.
Here's what the police say about the incident: A shop built on land owned by the Renugambal temple was leased to Prabhakaran's father-in-law Selvamurthy for Rs 9.5 lakh by Kumar for five years. Selvamurthy agreed to this and signed the agreement on February 10 to his son Ramu, who demanded the return of the shop after Kumar's death. But later Selvamurthy did not leave the shop and did not accept the money he said he would give in return, Ramu said.
On June 10, Ramu came to the shop to pay as per the agreement. Then Selvamurthy's sons Jiva and Udaya attacked Ramu. It is reported that Jeeva Ramu was cut on the head with a knife.
Those who were there saw the altercation and came to help Ramu. This caused a huge controversy. Prabhakaran's wife Keerthi and mother were in the shop but were not beaten up by the mob. In the evening, Prabhakaran's wife was also admitted to the hospital. The jawan claims that his wife is seriously injured, but the police said that is not true.